
Dandelion Project Cover


  • Website redesign
  • UI/UX
  • Website build


  • 50 Pages and growing
  • 3 languages
  • Gallery
  • Icons
  • Styleguide
  • WordPress Build
  • Divi Page Builder
  • Smoobu Integration
  • Booking system


  • Optimisation
  • Analytics
  • Apartment filtering
  • Reviews
  • SEO


Revamping an outdated site, we aimed for simpler navigation and scalability, essential for growing businesses. Our use of Divi enabled a modern, user-friendly design, making site updates straightforward for the client.

This makeover not only addressed previous issues but also introduced a sleek, modern aesthetic. With Divi’s comprehensive tools, we delivered a site that’s both scalable and intuitive, enhancing the client’s online visibility and facilitating their expansion strategy.


With the previous website, the main issue was the gallery that slowed down the website when there were a lot of photos to display.

Our first plan was to speed up the website, therefore we decided to remove sections that were taking a lot of loading time, such as the carousel on the home page and apartment pages.

For the home page, we made a static image and added lazy load for the images that are there. This allowed us to speed up the website several times and reduce the page size for the apartment page by four times.

We did not stop there and went on to create a filtering system for presenting all available apartments. At the time, there were already more than 17 apartments, and the idea was to make a double sorting system by both location and size. We used a plugin that allowed us to do that, and from our point of view, it simplified navigation. As we see more apartments being added, it really comes in handy.

Another thing we wanted to improve was the pages for the apartments. We wanted to have these pages fast, contain all the important information, implement a booking and availability system, and still make them easy to read.

On the top of the page, we had a cover image and general information about the apartment. And below, we separated the page in two. On the left side, we had additional information about the apartment, and on the right side, we had the availability and booking system. The idea was to make the decision process of whether to book this apartment or not easy and fast.

Dandelion Apartments & Suits SIA were happy with this design and functionality of the website. We are still constantly adding new locations and making minor adjustments to pages there.